Prof. Meron Medzini - Distinguished SIGNAL Fellow
Prof. Meron Medzini is an Adjunct Associate Professor in Political Science at the Rothberg International School of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He is also an Associate Fellow at the Truman Peace Institute of the Hebrew University, specializing in Israel’s relations with the nations of East Asia. Born in Jerusalem, after his military service in the Israeli Army, he was educated in the United States. He received his BA degree from City College of New York, MA, from Georgetown University and Ph.D. from Harvard University, where he majored in The History of Modern Japan and Modern China. He began his teaching career at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in 1965 and then taught for many years at Tel Aviv University courses on Modern Asia. He is the author of six books and some sixty articles in academic publications in Israel and overseas. His book – Golda, A Political Biography, won the Israel Prime Minister Prize in 2010.